Multi-Disease Resistance

Avalon is the only South Island Perendale stud and one of two studs in NZ and the only Texel stud in NZ to be awarded the elite WormFEC Gold status
If you are in a regular drenching or capsule program the ongoing cost to maintain your stock performance is clearly not sustainable and is eating into your profits, each and every year.

Avalon was the only sheep stud in the South Island for many years testing for facial eczema tolerance.
We have used the Ramguard program for the last 14 years. In 2018 the Perendales were tested at 0.48 mg/kg ,Ultimates at 0.43 mg/kg and Texels at 0.38 mg/kg

Drench resistance is increasing at an alarming rate. Resistance to the newest four drench family has only taken two years to develop overseas. The only sustainable solution is to get resistant genetics into your flock. Some vets are reporting failure rates in triple drench reduction tests of up to 60 % amongst farmer clients.

Avalon multi disease resistant animals have some resistance to pneumonia, lice and fly strike.
When you blanket spray sheep for fly control you end up protecting animals that are genetically susceptible to fly strike and the problem compounds. At Avalon we treat individual cases. There is a strong genetic link for susceptibility to fly strike, which we cull for.